
What makes us different?

MCS ELEMENTARY is a place designed especially for children enjoy mientras They acquire knowledge, perfect skills and develop Christian attitudes and values. that allow them to achieve the skills that prepare them to face the 21st century.  

We have highly qualified staff which facilitates learning experiences that lead students to achieve our exit profile.

Beyond our academic excellence  

we offer a Integral education.

Christian Living: 

Our main differentiator is the transversality of principles and values ​​from the Bible which we understand as the Word of God. 

We start each day with a time devotional in which current issues are reviewed in light of the Bible and the development of skills and attitudes that lead to honoring God, loving oneself and serving others are sought. 

In all classes and activities, biblical principles are present; It is intended that they become a practice in the midst of everyday life. 


In addition to devotional time, students participate in the Neuroactivación® which is another space for social, physical and cognitive enrichment, which seeks improve neurological connections through specialized physical exercise, promoting learning processes and health in a comprehensive way. 

Neuroscience proclaims that acquiring the The habit of exercise improves performance in the classroom by enhancing learning and memory capabilities and optimizing the ability to respond to daily stress. In addition, it states that a student who exercises will be more motivated and will experience a greater sense of well-being, which will make it easier for them to carry out their activities in the classroom. 

The name of the program “Neuroactivation®” is a Monterrey registered trademark. Said program It is led by an interdisciplinary team made up of teachers from different subjects.

General information

Small groups:

 We work in small groups, what allows us to give more personalized attention to each student, generate stronger connections among group members, have more control of details, provide a pleasant and safe environment for each of our students. 

Project-based learning:

Instruction involves active methodologies such as project- and problem-based learning and cooperative learning.  This type of constructivist instruction allows children  develop skills such as problem solving, planning, assertive communication and teamwork.

Entry ages: 

The ages that children must be for February 15 of the year that begins, by unquestionable stipulation of the MEP (although our school year begins earlier) are: 

First grade: 6 years 

Second grade: 7 years 

Third grade: 8 years 

Fourth grade: 9 years 

Fifth grade: 10 years 

Sixth grade: 11 years old 

Children who enter any of the Elementary levels from another educational institution must complete a admission diagnosis in the areas of Spanish, Mathematics and English which allows us to know their level of performance in relation to the profile of students at our institution and to be able to offer plans for their new incorporation. The diagnosis is made in the months of August to November.  

Work areas:

Social Studies – Spanish



Inglés (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)



Physical education 

Christian education



First grade to sixth grade schedule:  

Monday to thursday: From 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

Friday: From 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

We have staff from 6:30 a.m. to receive the children if the parents' work schedule requires it. 


For all Elementary, the “Intraclubs” during the school day. Students attend at the beginning of the school year a large exhibition in which the general offer of approximately 25 clubs, from this, according to your tastes and abilities will be able to choose which one they will attend once per week. Some are semi-annual and others are annual. depending on their objective. There is no charge for the club Only the materials or a fee are requested for the specific materials used. *


Inclusion is, without a doubt, an aspect What makes us different. Elementary attends all educational supports:  meaningful, non-meaningful, and access. For us, being inclusive is an opportunity for growth and a blessing for everyone.  

Students with disabilities are cared for according to their needs, which implies a program parallel to that of the rest of the students.

The entry of students into the program is defined through an admission process that consists of visits to the institution of origin (if necessary), a visit by the student to our institution, interviews are also carried out with the families and on some occasions visits to the home. All in order to establish the necessary support for the student in coordination with the family.

Arrows Sports Academy:  

After the school day, is offered other range of sports disciplines para el disfrute y desarrollo de habilidades en los  estudiantes. Por ejemplo: baloncesto, fútbol, taekwondo, color guard, voleibol, entre otros.  

Arrows Music Academy: 

The Music program taught during the school day allows students to learn to play an instrument. During the afternoons, students who wish can come to reinforcement sessions (Music Time) to further enhance their skills. Additionally, selected students participate in special times as part of the Concert Band. 

After School Program:  

This is a service for families who require care for their children after school. The program begins after the end of the regular day, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.



MCS does not offer the transportation service directly, but we do have a group of transporters that we can recommend, since they have the necessary requirements and permits for the transportation of students (granted by the MOPT), which they presented to the institution. as evidence that guarantees transport units in good condition and the proper handling of children. 

Get-togethers, camps and educational tours: 

From first to fifth grade there are gatherings and in sixth year a camp Some groups go on individual educational tours depending on the topics being studied. * 

Other activities: 

During the school year, students participate in activities that complement our pedagogical facilitation. Some of them are: 

  • Bible Week 
  • Civic events: national celebrations, transfer of powers (student governments) • Mate Olympics

Complementary services:  

It offers support in the comprehensive development of children, facilitating learning processes and life skills. 

Provides opportunities for prayer and counseling with parents and students who require it. 

Se abarca una amplia  gama de temas de acuerdo con la edad como, por ejemplo: relaciones  interpersonales, hábitos de estudio, sexualidad sana, prevención de  adicciones y orientación vocacional.


Our regular uniform is the same as physical education. These uniforms are sold in the “M Shop”.
