Every organization is known by the culture that its members live daily. That culture is the product of the models that the institution follows to achieve its goals. On the other hand, those models are the visible expression of the values that the organization promotes. Those values, in turn, are the reflection of the principles that govern the reason for being and acting of that institution.
As an educational entity, Monterrey Christian School has principles and values that mark the model and the actions of its community, and determine its culture. The principles are those external laws that, ultimately, control the consequences of our actions. The values, on the other hand, are internal and subjective, and represent what we feel most strongly and that guides our conduct. For the Monterrey Educational Community, the values are determined by its principles, and both come, inevitably, from the Word of God.
This institution is based on the three principles established by Jesus in Matthew 22:37-39. The Lord established the laws that should govern life: love God, love oneself, and love one’s neighbor. Order matters: you cannot do something for the love of your neighbor that implies failing to love God. No one can love their neighbor if they do not love themselves.
Each of these three principles must be reflected in values. Love of God must be manifested in faith and obedience. Love of self implies integrity, excellence, and discipline. Love of neighbor must be shown in mercy, respect, and service.
The educational mission of Monterrey Christian School seeks, through discipleship, that each member of its family (students, parents, and staff) express these principles and values in their daily lives. This discipleship seeks that each one be faithful and suitable (2 Timothy 2:2). Fidelity refers to being, to the mission, to the expression of the fruit of the Spirit. Suitability, on the other hand, refers to doing, to the task, to the correct practice of the gifts of the Spirit.
The values of MCS are a summary of fidelity and suitability, reflected in the statement “For love one is… and it is shown in…”. For love of God one is someone of faith, and it is shown in obedience to God. For love of oneself one is honest, and it is shown in excellence and discipline. For love of neighbor one is merciful, and it is shown in respect and service.
Love to God
- Faith
MCS is a Christ-centered institution, which declares the existence and movement of God among men. Therefore, faith is the central value, not only for salvation, but for all areas of human endeavor. For this reason, MCS gives special emphasis to prayer and worship as a way of life.
- Obedience
Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Obedience to God translates into an experience of holiness; this brings blessing and fullness of life. MCS has as its central axis the teaching and experiential practice of the Bible, which clearly establishes the divine norms that must be obeyed in order to live in holiness.
Love for ONESELF
- Integrity
The human being is one and, therefore, his public and private actions must be one and the same. Integrity speaks of transparency, honesty, sincerity. It is a life in which there must be assertiveness and congruence between saying and doing.
- Excellence
God is a God of excellence. Excellence demands doing things with dedication, perseverance and diligence, taking care of every detail. It is the renunciation not only of the bad, but of the mediocre. It is always opting not only for the good, but for the best. It is showing that excellence in the academic, in the work and in the personal, to be the highest example in everything.
- Discipline
Discipline, as a value, does not arise from external sources or demands. This is an intrinsic value of those who value themselves. It involves responsibility, order, self-control and effort, showing a healthy stewardship of what has been received from God.
- Mercy
Mercy is the practical expression of God’s love. It is showing that love in concrete actions towards every person, regardless of their social status, ethnicity, gender or creed. It reflects sensitivity, inclusion and solidarity.
- Respect
It is establishing healthy relationships on a basis of understanding, acceptance and companionship, even when these are different from one’s own convictions. Respect implies understanding that the other is as valuable as oneself. It implies empathy, acceptance and consideration.
- Service
Jesus came to serve, not to be served. There is no meaning to the Christian experience if it is not expressed in serving one’s neighbor. Service cannot be reduced to simple or isolated concrete acts. It is a permanent attitude, a lifestyle in which, actively, opportunities are sought to sacrifice oneself for the well-being of others, showing kindness and altruism.