Welcome from our General Director

Beloved MCS Family,

Since 1956 our institution has served students and families from different places in Costa Rica. In all these years we have maintained our commitment to train students in a comprehensive manner, considering all those aspects that are part of their being and prepare them to be successful in their personal and professional lives from a biblical worldview. This involves fundamental elements such as Christian living, socialization, emotional management, and the development of skills and competencies in an academic environment of the highest level.

At MCS we believe that the ultimate goal of Christian education is discipleship: a life dedicated to discovering everything we can about God and his purpose for us in this world. We embrace our innate curiosity about God’s creation explored through science, literature, mathematics, history, arts, and the relationships we develop with each other.

Our mission and passion is to equipped students who are knowledgeable about God and His Word, who have a genuine Christian experience and who are a light in this world. Likewise, it is our mission to ensure that all students achieve the skills and competencies necessary to emerge in the future through programs that prepare them in four fundamental areas, which are: knowing, knowing how to do, knowing how to be and knowing how to relate with others.

Thank God we have been able to remain faithful to the vision and mission that He has placed in our hearts since the beginning of this project, we offer a 21st century education that authentically prepares students for the different dynamics and challenges they will face in their personal, academic and professional world. We educate and prepare our students using the best pedagogical and methodological practices based on neuroscientific research and internationally recognized standards.

Our educational programs are meticulously designed to inspire every student to excel, unlocking their full potential to become the best version of themselves—dedicated to glorifying God and making a transformative impact on society and the world.

This is precisely what distinguishes us from other educational options in the country. Not only do we provide an academically challenging program, but we do so in a safe environment where students are genuinely loved, valued and respected, surrounded by a staff committed to the comprehensive education of each of them and where they know God more deeply every day.

Whether you are meeting us for the first time or are already a member of the MCS family, I am glad you are here. I invite you to explore our website and learn about our foundations, values, our curriculum, and our extracurricular offerings. Better yet, I invite you to visit our facilities and see what makes our institution such an extraordinary place.

God bless you,

Michael Parrales, MSc., MNE.

General Director
